Nominations for Stars Over 70!
Do you know of a deserving mentor or role model in our community who shows a great deal of pride and love for our community by making a difference in your life, or the lives of others? Well, here is your chance to nominate that person to be a Star Over 70. Check out the link to see further details … [Read more...] about Nominations for Stars Over 70!
Main Street Minute
Independent Tech Solutions Main Street Minute
Central Iowa Sit and Sleep Main Street Minute
Friedman’s Main Street Minute
Drahos Shoe Store
Belle Plaine Community Development Receives National Main Street Center Accredidation for 2019
Recently we received our letter of notification stating that The National Main Street Center and Main Street Iowa had recognized our program as a 2019 National Main Street America Accredited Program. This achievement makes us so proud of the hard work done by our executive director, board members, … [Read more...] about Belle Plaine Community Development Receives National Main Street Center Accredidation for 2019